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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Australian Shepherd Is Probably Pregnant But Not Showing. Is This Normal?

She should be around 8 weeks pregnant right now but she has no belly. Her nipples are larger and she has gotten wider and packed on a bit of weight, is she pregnant?

Comments for My Australian Shepherd Is Probably Pregnant But Not Showing. Is This Normal?

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Phantom pregnancy
by: Ccc

Same thing has happened to two of my females the first time they were bred. They actually were nauseous and wouldn’t eat for 7 to 8 weeks after they were bred and appeared to be gaining weight, but when they were x-rayed, there were no puppies. It’s called a phantom pregnancy, and it’s unclear if they were pregnant and miscarried, or if it was just their hormones raging during the heat cycle fooling the body into thinking they were pregnant when they really were not. I would get that female x-rayed ASAP to verify pregnancy and possible number of pups if she has indeed conceived. Best wishes for you and the health of your girl.

False Pregnancy
by: Anonymous

If your female has no belly but is showing signs of pregnancy, its probably a false pregnancy. Get her x-rayed to know for sure if she has pups or not. :)

Have a great day!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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