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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Australian Shepherd Not As Hyper As Before

by Carol

My Aussie used to be so full of energy all day. Now she wants to take naps. Is that normal for a 7 month old? She does spend about 5 to 7 hours a day outside with us.

She used to explore, eating all sorts of things and just being a dog. Now I find her lying on the porch watching me.

Comments for My Australian Shepherd Not As Hyper As Before

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odd behaviour for an Aussie
by: James

I would get her checked out by a vet immediately. Aussies are active dogs! They dont sit around, especially a 7 month old one. Something is up. Keep us informed please!

Hailey's update
by: Carol

My Hailey has seen the vet. and she is very healthy, nothing noticeably wrong with her. We are going to give her vitamin supplements, since she eats a raw diet. And the meats are so processed that certain nutrients are lost. So the supplement should give her what she needs. Thank you for your concerns.

Aussie lying around
by: James

Vitamins are a good idea ....also playing with other dogs is a great idea too. If your dog has a hiking buddy , that is the best I think. Aussie love exploring new trails and and love hiking with their owner and another dog .... just some play time with the frisbee can help too ! 'Play' is a Aussie middle word !

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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