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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Australian Shepherd Puppy Has Been Having Diarrhea for Three Days

by Tori E

My Australian Shepherd puppy has been having diarrhea going on the third day now. It started out of nowhere on Sunday morning around 4:30. She’s still playful, but she’s also been lying around more than she usually does.

She’s hardly touched her dog food, but she has been drinking water. I’ve fed her chicken and white rice, and she’s actually been eating that.

When I first got her when she was 8 weeks I took her to the vet and she had coccidia. I’m scared that she could have it again, but with her still being playful and not lying around 24/7, and also not having to go to the bathroom all the time, I thought maybe it’s just an upset stomach.

I don’t know if I should keep feeding her chicken and white rice and just wait it out, or go ahead and call the vet.

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Feed Australian Shepherd with Diarrhea
by: Jeannie

Keep giving your dog the white rice and boiled white meat chicken but add 2 to 3 tablespoons of whole mashed pumpkin (NOT pie mix). I did that when my Aussie had diarrhea and it did the trick. Will also work for any dog breed.

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