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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Bear is My Awesome Aussie

by Ali Tinney
(Knoxville, Tennessee)

Bear's baby picture when I fell in love with him

Bear's baby picture when I fell in love with him

Bear is a Tri red and the most awesome Aussie. He was house broken in one weekend. In the last 16 months of his life we have had only 3 accidents, two of those accidents were from illness. And smart oh my gosh... As a puppy we started out living in a motel (I do contract work). He was such a cute puppy everyone we passed had to pet Bear. He would sit and they would pet. My over socialized Aussie now feels he needs to sit in front of everyone we pass. We are working on that currently. He knows what I want him to do sometimes before I say a word. When he is in the wrong he knows it sometimes all I have to do is give him the look.

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by: Gaby

he is ADORABLE!! this may be stupid but is your dog also on dailypuppy?? he looks ALOT like one on there. if not then just ignore me...... :S i try to keep my sanity in place, but, y'know, when you own SUCH A CUTE DOG its kinda hard sometimes. you must know what i mean!! ;)

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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