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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Beautiful Girl Sydney

by Lori
(Harrisburg, PA)

Our precious Sydney has been with us almost 14 years, and although she can't chase the Frisbee anymore - which was the LOVE of her life activity (5 times a day, everyday!) she is still my most loyal and loving companion.

Syd is a female red merle with the kindest heart and the gentlest soul. I feel very badly that both of her back knees now have torn ACLs due to the activity she has loved all of her life - you Aussie lovers know how active this breed is and how they want to WORK in whatever way that means. We are buying a holster to help her up and down the steps now and she looks at me with her big brown eyes lovingly, knowing she will never play again, but also content in lying by my desk everyday as I work from home.

I will always be grateful for the time we have had with this amazing girl. She helped rescue our other two dogs when a fire burned our home to the ground 2 years ago - by getting them into the basement and barking until the firemen came in through the garage just in the knick of time to save them before the building collapsed - even though she is terrified of loud noises and sirens. God truly sent her to me and I always whisper in her ear that I will play all the frisbee in the most amazing fields of green when we get to heaven.

Comments for My Beautiful Girl Sydney

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Precious times.
by: Anonymous

First, I love the name, I have a Sydney too. You are very lucky to have such a special dog. Your story is very touching.

by: Anonymous

Thanks for sharing. My eyes are filled with tears and my heart is filled with love for this beautiful story.

by: Suzan

I just want to say Thank you for sharing your story. It really touched me.

by: Anonymous

What a beautiful story and a beautiful dog. Wish I could see a picture of your girl

Your girl, Sydney
by: Anonymous

Your letter certainly brought a few tears. I've had to watch my pets age and slow down, unable to do all they loved to do. They certainly have a way becoming a part of the family.
My husband has Parkinson's disease and had never had a dog anything like an Aussie. Three years ago we added 2 blue merle females to our family. For two ole senior citizens they can be a handful. He can not get over how smart they are. They go everywhere with us, even to the grocery store. He hates leaving them home. They have been so very good for him.
We work with them everyday, doing what they love most, catching and chasing a ball. They have learned hand signals as to where the ball will go.
I know that when they get older it will be very hard to accept that they can't be with you forever. I love that you tell you Sydney that you will be in heaven together to play. I feel the very same about ours.
Thank you for sharing your story about Sydney and I bet she understands you'll always be together.

by: Millie

Oh my, you are so fortunate to have Sydney... God gave her to you and I truly believe we will be together in heaven with our Aussies. Plus our mutts! Can't love anything more than your kids and dogs! God bless you!

by: Anonymous

Wow, you are so lucky to have her for that long. She must be a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul! (maybe you can put picture in?) I only wish that mine will be with me for that long... Enjoy her and lover her.
I love Aussies!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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