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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Best Buddy - Snoopy

by Nick Guzman
(White Bluff, TN)

February 27 I had to say goodbye to an awesome, loyal and perfect friend. He was my daddy's boy for 10 years, we bonded from day one.

Snoopy was exactly what I needed, at that time in my life; a velcro dog always at my side. Laid back and goofy, he seemed to always have a smile on his face.

If his job in life was to make me happy he did that and so much more! Always missing and loving you my buddy boy!

He passed at 14 years of age.

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Apr 14, 2024
Buddy boy
by: Anonymous

I know exactly how heart wrenching it is to lose such a perfect friend. My sympathy for you, it takes a long time to heal from that loss. He had a long good life with you. I dread the day that is coming with our loyal companion too.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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