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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Boy Blue

by Amy
(Fort Worth, TX)

When I was about 15 years old, I walked out into my garage and there was this gorgeous red merle Australian Shepherd just wandering around. We took him in and he became part of our family. My brother was walking him one day down the street and all of a sudden a lady ran out of her house saying "Blue! Is that you?" Come to find out he was her dog. We gave him back. Her husband called our house a few days later and said they had too many dogs and if we wanted him we could have him back. Of course we did!!!

After a few months of not understanding the needs of this beautiful breed, I had to return him to the family down the street. About a week after that, I opened my front door and there was Blue, sitting on the front porch waiting for me to notice he was home again! He was so dirty and had broken out of their fence to get back to us.

Blue died a few weeks ago. There is a huge hole in my heart because of his absence. I loved him dearly and he was, and forever will be my best friend. God sent him to me for a reason and I will never have any other breed but Aussies. I am getting a puppy Aussie soon because I miss my Blue so much.

I miss everything about my darling boy. I try to educate people on the needs of this breed because they are not just something we can buy and decide that we don't want to deal with their needs when we get tired of them. They are living, breathing creatures. They are at our mercy and should be treated as the beautiful friends and companions they are.

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Thank you
by: Amy

Thank you Nonnie! That is so sweet of you. I am actually waiting for the breeder in East Texas to tell me if she thinks there is a puppy for me in the litter they just had. Hopefully there will be! All of my planning for this summer and next year revolves around the puppy! I hope to meet him soon. Thank you again for the information!

Your Friend,


by: Nonnie

I am so sorry for your loss. Our furry children take up residence in our hearts and they never leave. I lost my first Aussie one week before her first birthday. She didn't even have a chance. She had a gastrointestinal hemorrhage. We caught it very soon, but she was losing so much blood that they couldn't do anything.

I have two Aussies now. They have helped fill the huge hole that my Carly left when she died. I will never forget her, but they make the loss easier. Maybe Carly and Blue are playing together even now!

When you start looking for another puppy, there is a breeder in Winona, Texas (search for Southern Star Aussies) where I got both of my Aussies. They are half sisters. She has an ad on this site under Breeder Directory I think. She breeds mini and toy Aussies. If you are looking for the full size, she can probably point you to someone near your location.

We keep in touch with her even now. The "girls" are now 21 months old. I contacted several breeders before I found her. She is the ONLY one who answered any of my emails.

The mom, dad and daughter are all very involved in socializing the puppies that they have. They keep them in the house until they are adopted or big enough to be outside for part of the day.

We only intended to get one... the breeder was so nice to offer to keep our Aussie while we went to OK for Thanksgiving. (Our grandkids there are afraid of dogs.). When we came back to pick up our mini girl, she still had the half sister toy. So we brought them both home. They are best buddies, playing all day and just hanging out together. It is really sweet.

I hope you open your heart to another puppy soon.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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