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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Dog Has Cloudiness in One Eye and One Vet and Two Specialists Unsure Why

by Jaime
(Long Island, NY)

Cloudy blue eye

Cloudy blue eye

My 5-month-old Mini Aussie has heterochromia. We noticed his blue eye looked cloudy and immediately brought him to the vet. The vet had us see a specialist.

The first specialist said she had never seen this before and gave me an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic eyedrops. I sought a second opinion and she said she thinks he has an autoimmune disease triggered by a vaccine. She prescribed a steroid eye drop and an oral steroid.

Has anyone ever experienced this before? It’s been close to 3 weeks and I haven’t seen any improvement. :(

We have a follow-up this Saturday. We also had blood work done and everything came back within normal range.

I’d love to hear any comments or experiences. Thank you.

Comments for My Dog Has Cloudiness in One Eye and One Vet and Two Specialists Unsure Why

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similar issue
by: Anonymous

i had something very similar happen with my mini aussie around the same age, maybe a bit younger when she was a few months old, i cant remember now. mine has same colored brown eyes and is a black tri. fortunately the issue resolved itself after a week or so, i cant remember exactly because this was years ago. the vet seemed to think it was actually a third eye lid that was inflamed or irritated, but i was skeptical of that diagnosis. that opinion about automimmune reaction from vaccines from your vet makes sense, at least with the timing. how long ago was his last shot? that aspect never even occurred to me at the time when mine had this issue, i wish i could remember if she had those shots right before the eye thing popped up.

i think i was also given some eye drops as well. did you notice any behavior difference? mine seemed a little lethargic at the time. i hope your boy gets well soon!

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