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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Dog Was Accused Of An Attack! Please Help!

by Kym
(Colorado Springs, CO)

My Rumor

My Rumor

I have a 2 year old female Aussie that has been jumping my 6 foot privacy fence into my neighbors yard. I thought I had the problem fixed until my neighbor came over and said my dog attacked their dog (a Cairn Terrier). I immediately went over to examine their dog and found about a 5 inch laceration to her neck. The wound was more of a 'slice', no jagged edges,no tears, etc. (looked to me like an embedded collar was there) anyway, no other punctures, no 'slobber' or wet areas, no dirt in the fur etc.

They insist that I pay the vet bill (which I will if my dog was the cause) of course, but I don't think this is the case. She has NEVER been dog aggressive. She has been over with this dog several times and there has never been a problem.

I exercise this dog ALOT! She is well socialized, she goes to the dog park, I have 3 other dogs etc. I don't want to lose my dog but I can't have this happen again. As of now, she is cabled to my tree when she has to potty. I HATE to do that to her!

Now she seems obsessed with jumping the fence! She won't do it when I'm watching cause she knows its wrong, but what do I do?

I guess my questions are 1) How do I prove this is NOT a dog bite, and 2) How do I stop her from jumping the fence.

ANY and ALL help greatly appreciated!!!

Comments for My Dog Was Accused Of An Attack! Please Help!

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Dog Bite
by: Anonymous

If they saw your dog bite theirs I doubt they are lying about it. Your dog jumps the fence into your neighbors property. You should not allow that. Bite the bullet and pay the vet bill. It is the right thing to do.

Go with them
by: Anonymous

I have never had this happen so feel free to disregard my comment,
I would suggest that you get the vet to determine if this is a dog attack or an improperly used coller, they can tell the difference. If it was a bit than likely it was your dog.

hope this helps
by: Anonymous

Hi, how high is your fence can you build it up, or is your aussie just a really good jumper, you could try adding an invisible fence around the perimeter just before the fence. (It's kinda gadgety) but could help with the issue. You should definitely ask the vet about the cut, if it is a dog bite, it probably is yours, but and this is speaking as a former owner of several terriers both lived to old age and had happy healthy lives, however they could not be around other dogs. I imagine if a dog jumped into a property with out the owners express permission a dog no matter the size would have every reason to attack the intruding dog. As is that dog right. In my experience terriers are well territorial. the small dog could have gone after yours and your normally super social Aussie would as is reasonable defend it's self. If a dog jumps un invited into your yard your Aussie might even respond the same way. A strange cut could be the result of biting inhibition. My dog never clamps down but since he is six months he does still mouth if I scrape my arm along his mouth is almost slices. I hope it isn't a collar used wrong, ,for the sake of that poor dog whose owner won't even admit she screwed up. Sorry but even if your dog acted in self dense it did jump into anothers yard.

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