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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Dog Won't Calm Down When Guests Come Over, What Can I Do?

by Jimbo
(Naperville, IL)

Hello there, My Aussie was a rescue, I got him when he was about 8 months old. Now he is 1.5 years. Unfortunately, I can't get him to calm down when people come over. He is super calm when it's just the two of us, or people that he knows really well. I've tried putting him in a bedroom until he calms down, rewarding him when he is calm (even if it's just for a minute)...

Any advice? I know these dogs are very high energy, but he is like this even after a long day of running or playing at the dog park. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Comments for My Dog Won't Calm Down When Guests Come Over, What Can I Do?

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Hyper stimulated
by: Dave

Our 4 year used to be the same way. Now if we know that we are expecting company we cook up a large bone from the butcher for him to chew on. It seems to channel all that energy into the chewing and nawing. Usually after he is done chewing he is also more settled with the guests and just wants his belly rubbed or something. Sometimes when unexpected guests stop it just takes time is all but eventually he calms down. He slowly is improving. Locking them up in another room may solve the immediate problem but will never learn how to be calm and sociable later, maybe even get worse or aggressive due to the frustration of being put away. Keep working with him, invite people over and don't give up. They are bred to be this way but they usually get better with time.

Calming your Aussie
by: Anonymous

Aussies have so much enthusiasm, right? Best thing would be to teach him a down stay so after he greets people you can tell him to lie down and stay there. Simplest would be to put him on a leash when people come over and keep him near you. This usually settles them pretty quickly. I don't think removing him to a bedroom would help him learn to be calm. They so need to be part of everything.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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