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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Hero

by David Richmond
(Salisbury, MD)

I'm sorry for not having a picture for this story This is how we met. We where looking for a pet for the kids and this lady had an Australian Shepherd and got loose and had puppies. After going to see the puppies we notices the little runt all by her self away from the litter. All fluffy black with a white chest. We ended up taking two puppies.

They all grew up and had a special life. People always said there beautiful. Debbie and I had this bond like you wouldn't beleive. My son gave me her to help cope with my depression going through a bad divorce. Debbie had this way with people and my mom having cancer she always made her feel good. She was known as the Wonder Dog.

I would like to share this story I wrote about how Debbie saved my life. God Bless her we will be reunited at Rainbow Bridge some day.

Debbie is a Hero

This story is a loving memory of my hero. Debbie was a Aussie Lab Mix with jet black fur and a white chest. She loved playing ball and frisbie and loved everyone. She surprised me one night by saving my life putting her self in danger. Everyone called her the Wonder Dog, she was so smart you could just look into her brown eyes and see the love and knowing she understood what you where saying. She will be missed. Here is a story that I wrote about her when she was still alive. I wrote back to the publisher a few years later to finish her story it was her time to go.

I am lucky to still have my Debbie. She is a Aussie mixed, lab. She is very loving she loves to play ball and frisibe. Till one day she was jumping up to catch the frisibe and came down in a hole and totaly tore the ligiments on her left leg. They took x-rays and now I have found out she has bad hips.

The doctor told me the normal thing to do is put the dog to sleep. I went to pieces, told the doctor I can't do that. My Debbie has made me able to cope with all the stress in my life, with my divorce and pulling me out of a deep depression. I told the vet Debbie needs another chance to live, she saved my life in Jan 1998 when I got mugged and hit in the head with a pipe.

So he arranged a special surgeon to do the rebuliding of her leg. She will never be able to catch the frisbie again and that was her favorite play time. I know the time is going to come when she won't be able to get up again but I'm very happy to have found a doctor to do this. I didn't care about the price, she is priceless to me, she is a loving dog, and I love her dearly.

Thank God for the special people that can perform miracles to our loving animals. Im glad to see you still have my story. The time has come to have to say good bye, for she is 13 yrs old and a hero in my eyes. She has developed a brain tumor causing her to lose her balance and control.

I had to carry her down the stairs to go outside. I had to call the vet for guidance on my decision on what to do. Her vet always went out of his way to help her. Thank god for people like Dr Tayman who cares out of his heart and love for this dog knowing how much she ment to me. He said she has had a quality life and on top of everything a Hero. Dr. Tayman said I have done way beyond giving her the quality life and loving care.

The hardest decision in my life was to have her go. I told her while she was in my arms that day, I will meet her at Rainbow Bridge and we will be reunited together, as she looks at me with her big brown eyes, I see the pain go away as she falls deeply asleep for the last time in her daddy's arms. Debbie will be missed but she is always close to me in my heart.

Comments for My Hero

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I still think of her.
by: David

Thank you for the comment. Debbie was so special to me. I still think of her. I now have another dog Mosby which is a blue merl that I love very much. You can see him through out this site and also in the electronic book. He loves the camera.

David Richmond

I'm So Sorry
by: Ricky H

That is so sad, but I'm glad she is in a better place now. It's always hard to lose a friend especially one who saved your life.

I just got an Aussie "Drover" so I know how amazing they are. My prayers and condolences are with you.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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