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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Hero

by Kathy



My 8 year old Australian Shepherd, Oreo is a true Hero. He has been my Service Dog as I am a cancer patient and suffer from PTSD as well. Many times over the years he has come to my aid and buffered falls and warned of oncoming panic attacks as well as seizures. This past December I took a very bad fall. I hit my head on a glass top dresser and cut open my forehead and cracked my skull. I was immediately covered in blood, but able to get up, grab a towel, cell phone and wait for the ambulance.

After coming home from the hospital, the story began to become clear.

Oreo was also covered in blood, my blood. He also was limping very badly and not bearing weight on his back left leg. I called the vet immediately. Oreo has a broken leg and a hip out of joint.

It seems he dove under me in a flash, to brace my fall and is now badly injured. Doctors tell me had he not done so and I had hit my head harder I would not have gotten back up.

Oreo saved my life! His injury may cost him his own life. I will do all I can to help save this wonderful friend that God has blessed me with.

Comments for My Hero

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by: Kathy Beard

I had to say a sad final goodbye to my beloved Australian Shepherd, Oreo on 1/13/2014. He has been both my friend as well as family. A loyal companion and guardian and a hard working Service Dog. Oreo has saved my life on more than one occasion.

I of course was with him to his very last. I told him about Jesus and how the Bible says "Let everything that draws breath praise the Lord". That includes him! I also told him that Revelation says the animal kingdom will be restored. I have no doubt that that he is already running again, chasing squirrels just like he loved. No more pain. I asked Jesus to care for him. Told him go find my Dad, who will love to be his friend. Also to search for my best friend who passed away 30 years ago and had always longed for a dog. Then I said, when my turn comes, After I meet Jesus, I know he will be there to greet me.

I know Oreo is out of pain, still . . .my heart is broken.


I wish someone had given little Jesus a dog
as loyal and loving as mine
to sleep by His manger and gaze in His eyes
and adore Him for being divine.

As our Lord grew to manhood, His own faithful dog
would have followed Him all through the day
while he preached to the crowds and made the sick well
and knelt in the Garden to pray.

It is sad to remember that Christ went away
to face death alone and apart,
with no tender dog following close behind
to comfort its Master's heart.

And when Jesus rose on that Easter morn,
how happy He would have been
as His dog kissed His hand and barked its delight
for the One who died for all men!

Well, the Lord has a dog now; I just sent Him mine,
the old pal so dear to me,
And I smile through my tears on these first days alone,
knowing they're in eternity

Author: Jane L. Sears

With grief in my heart
by: Kathy

It is with heavy heart that I report the Vet tells me Oreo will not survive. It could be days, weeks, or months. To be sure, I will make his remaining time as fun and comfortable as possible! I

I just can't begin to imagine life without him . . .

by: Marsha Bosshold

You have a wonderful friend! He thought of your safety before he thought of his own. I really hope and pray that the doctors can make him well and you'll have many more days together.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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