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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Old Baby

by Ashly
(Gulfport, MS)

She posed perfectly as soon as she saw that camera :)

She posed perfectly as soon as she saw that camera :)

I have a Shepherd/Cattle Dog mix named Cali. She's about 10 years old and I can't ask for a better dog. She's not the best with children, but she's good about letting me know when she's had enough without hurting the kids. We shave her every summer and she just comes alive!! She's got short, thick hair, and we jokingly call her sheepy because it feels like sheep's wool. We also call her our little weasel, because she's very sneaky. If you leave your bedroom door at night, she'll sneak in, quietly jump on the bed, and stare at you until you wet yourself when you wake up and all you see is that big white head!!

She loves to cuddle, she'll get right up next to you on the couch and lay her head on your lap. God forbid you have food near her, because one minute she'll be across the room, 2 and a half seconds later she'll magically have your sandwich across the room where you saw her a second ago!! What I'm trying to say is, she's the most amazing dog in the world (even with all her 'quirks') and I don't know what I'd do without her!! Since I found this website, I've found a lot of information on her, and I got her an agility set, and even though she's 10 years old, she can still do it better than my 1 year old lab who will do anything to please you!!

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by: Anonymous

Oh she is beautiful, I love that face. what a ham, yet I can see in eyes, she is tender hearted. Thank you for sharing her with us.

We lost our boy when he ws five from epilepsy, so we got a mini Aussie in hopes that he would be accepted by our daughter Chi, but tht has not been the case. In any case, Our boy is now 10 months old, and we love him dearly. I love how he jumps on our bed, and just sits there, and waits for us to wake up, if we do, he's all over us, if we don't, then he just waits. I pray he lives long, and eventually gets along with the Chi.

I hope you feel that you have friends here now, who care.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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