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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Rose...

by Ann

Always in Character

Always in Character

Nothing I could ever say, could actually come close to how I feel about my Rose. She has been the most awesome pet I have ever had. My husband died form Brain Cancer two years ago. She was our child. Since his death she has comforted me when I was sad, made me laugh when I didn't think I could, and is my best friend.

She is more human than some human beings I know. Her schedule begins just like mine. Potty, breakfast, and then it's on to shower, and brush our teeth. If she doesn't get her teeth brushed, she stands at the sink until I do. She never leaves my side. Exercise is quite fun, for she and I. It's walking, throwing the frisbee, and chasing the neighborhood birds from the yards. She keeps the kids in the neighborhood busy by allowing them to throw tennis balls for her. The parents love it! She loves the beach, actually she believes she is sexier than any women we see on the beach. She has done some modeling, for treats, and is an awesome therapy dog. She visits her elderly friends on a daily basis to make them smile.

For those who have never had the pleasure of owning an Aussie, you have no idea what you are missing... A true friend forever, gives unconditional love always. She is my golden child...

Comments for My Rose...

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by: Wilda

I'm so sorry for the loss of your husband. Thank God you have your girl. She sounds special and amazing (like an angel). God bless you both. I lost my boy, Luke a few weeks ago, and I'm looking into adopting another, there is nothing like an Aussie. (and I have two other dogs, different breeds, yet Luke was my favorite).

Love it
by: Agnes

I love that!!!!
I can't imagine how she likes her teeth being brushed! My hate that.
They are true friends.
Aussies are the most awesome dogs on the world!!!!!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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