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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Special Little Champ

by Alexa

My Little Champ

My Little Champ

My little Champ. ( I chose the picture I did because you can see his gorgeous blue eyes! I have others, but as far as I'm aware of, I can only post one. (: ) This is all about the Aussie I loved, Champ. He was an incredibly handsome red merle with bright blue eyes.

I played with him every time I got the chance. Every day after school I'd beg to go. He was absolutley adorable! At first glance, he was a Champ. Not any other name. It was Champ. He was this happy go lucky, perky, made ya smile no matter what kinda pup. It was like we had known eachother forever. We had a connection, I certaintly HAD to have him!

I'll never forget the day I was playing with him in the back room, and a family of two rude interupting children, and two very unresponsible parents completley barged in a practically took him from me to play with him. I repeatedly told my mom, "something bad is gonna happen, they don't deserve him. Mom, I don't have a good vibe about those people."

I hadn't taken them more than thirty seconds till my poor Champ got hurt. He came out limping, scared, and crying. I started to tear up as well, I couldn't see him like that! I just knew that family was no good! Thankfully, that family never returned. So, every day after school, I'd come and visit him. He even started going by the name Champ, and also was recognizing me when I walked in.

He just loved chewing up my flip flops. He batted his head left and right as he pranced around with the flip flop dangling from his mouth. You couldn't help but smile! Those flip flops soon became my lucky flip flips. I wore them all the time! I even slept with them on! Then, we started going less frequently. We'd skip a day here and there, just because we weren't able to get there.

Just a few days ago, I came in and his little cube was there, labled "Australian Shepherd" but there was no dog in it. I nearly had a heart attack, until I ran to the back to find him alone in the puppy room, I was so relieved! He got all excited and was jumping up and down. I'd never seen him so crazy before, he was practically attack me in there! I didn't mind at all, he was having fun. Eventually, we had to get out because he was too rammy. I still stood there petting him with my hand over the door.

I wouldn't leave him. When we left that day, I'd promised him I'd be back tomorrow. Gave him a kiss of the head, patted him, and watched him stare with the big blue eyes that made me melt. He cried a little as I walked out the door, so I blew him a kiss and told him "Be back tomorrow Champsie boy! I promise!"

Unfortunately, we didn't come back, I had to study for two upcoming tests. Exept, the day I hadn't come, was one of the worst things I'd done. I came in today, and ran around all the puppy cubes at least 4 times, trying to rap my mind around the fact that there was no more cube labled "Aussie" or "Australian Shepherd".

My mom faced me and asked if he was there. I had just bent my head down, put my hands over my eyes, and cried. I had no desire by that point to see the other puppies in the store. I was shaking and wouldn't stop crying. I stood right in front of the cube I saw him in the first day he was brought into the shop. I was there when the unloaded all the new puppies, and saw him come out, and immediatly went to him, and said "This is Champ, he's mine."

So I stood, and cried. Still not believing that if only I was there on his final day, he might've still been there. I've been crying ever since, just placing my hands on the few pictures i'd taken of him. He was so special to me. I still keep on my lucky flip flops, in luck that I'll see him again, and that he went to a good home. That that home treats him above and beyond, since he was such a special pup.

I wish I had at least told whoever bought him "His name is Champ, he knows that. Call him Champ." I had promised Champ since the first day I'd seen him, that he'd come home with me someday. And everytime we were in the puppy room I'd tell him that. Every time we left "Champ, you'll come home with me. Don't Worry."

So as Champ is with his new family, I hope they treat him well, and I hope he remembers me.
Because I'll never forget him. Ever.

So I just wanted to say, to an amazing pup, I love you Champ. You'll always be remembered. You unique little Aussie.

Love you forever, Champ.

In my heart, he'll always be mine.

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