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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Sweet Sugar

by Evelyn

My Aussie Sugar sure has a keen 6th sense. I have health problems and one of them is I pass out. I could not figure out why Sugar would stand in front of me and not move or let me walk. Well after quite a few times my husband saw what she was doing and figured it out. Just within seconds of her standing in front of me and not moving even after I told her to, I would have the dizzy spell and faint. So we realized that Sugar was sensing the spells before they hit, giving me time to sit down.

Before we figure this out, I was in the front yard watering my flower gardens and I had a spell and passed out. Bill said he looked out and saw Sugar laying across me with the water still coming out of the garden hose straight up in the air. He ran out side and Sugar was laying across me whining.

I call that my Lawn Ornament Experience. I don't know what I would do without her. I just wish I could get her registered for a helper dog so I could take her with me when my husband takes me places. I would feel so much safer and be able to get out more. I love her she is my world.

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My Sweet Sugar
by: Alberta

Type in on computer Assistance Dog International hen on side is a menue and click on as much you need to know. Esoecially Service Dogs. More will come up when you do that andgives Dog out in Public and behaviours it must pass in public and stores to become certified. Plus what she must be trained to do when you have an attack of your condition. Very helpfull site.

My Sweet Sugar
by: Alberta

What you need is for her to become certified as a Service Dog.They are allowed everywhere in all stores and restaurants, hospitals, even in seat next to you on commercial air lines. Go to where you can get: Service Dog training books called "Teamwork" and "Teamwork II". These also come in DVD'S. She has to have basic obediance too. While in training outside of home she will wear a special vest that you get badges that iron on the vest saying "Service Dog in Training". Once she is certified her badges will change to "Certified Service Dog". These you can get at You can type in search on computer for Service Dog Certification and find a local near you or whom can certify her and explain all she needs to pass. As far as her actual assistance you need her to do she is doing that on her own, her 6th sense. Good luck.

Therapy Dog
by: Wendy

Hi, I am getting a Mini Aussie next month who I am going to train as a Therapy Dog for the BC Cancer Clinic (& myself). I have Breast Cancer & when I was going thru my main Chemo Therapy dogs would visit us & it would make you forget about your IV for a few min's. Dogs are Amazing healers.
I would suggest to Google Therapy Dogs & you should be able to find out how to get a dog registered in your area. You can go thru St. John's Ambulance in Canada.
Good Luck,
Wendy :o)

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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