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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Two Aussies Are Constant Food Scavengers!

by Mary Ann
(Bartlett, IL, USA)

Two 6 year old Aussies are terrible counter and table surfers. They are constantly, nonstop, always looking for food! Like scavengers! They are garbage dumpers, reaching for what's in the sink, jumping up on the table as soon as you leave it, they have no manners. And it's two at once, trying to maintain them is craziness! It's twins doing two different things at once. Is this due to too many puppies eating at once when they were at the breeder? Every pup for themselves mentality? HELP! It's horrible!

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by: Nonnie

I have two Aussies - half-sisters, one a mini, one a toy. They are 3-1/2 years old. The toy, Maggie, acts like she is always hungry and will snatch up whatever food she can find.

She can't get on the counter tops because she is too small. But if anything that even resembles food gets left on the end table or computer table, and you walk away for a second, she will get it before you can even say her name. I have to remember to push the chair up to the computer table so that she can't get there.

I have to stand with her and her sister, Bailee, when they eat or Maggie will jump in and take Bailee's food if Bailee walks away for a second. Bailee eats really well, and will even decide for a meal or two that she isn't hungry. She never does this for more than two meals or I would worry about it.

by: Gayle

Most likely, they are counter surfing because they have found food there before. Don't leave food on the counters. Have you tried double stick tape? I have heard all kinds of horror stories about dogs who ate meds off counters, 2 dozen chicken wings, etc. As for the garbage, either relocate it or get an Aussie proof one with a tight lid.

Can Aussies inflict guilt for treats?
by: Anonymous

Now I don't feel so bad. My mid-sized Aussie (46 pounds) is constantly hungry but only sits and waits for the food with a look that inflicts guilt. He's on a diet now which makes it worse. I desperately avoid giving him snacks other than when he does something for it but boy is that difficult to do. He is way too cute and smart.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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