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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

My Working Aussie And The Two Pups!

by Ana Laura Chavez

Morgan, Mota and Gala are my three Aussies. I have trained Gala (the one in the right) to be an assistance dog for a person in a wheel chair. In Mexico assistance dogs are not allowed in restaurants, stores of any kind, public transportation etc. (except assistance dogs for the blind) is a very sad thing : ( . Gala and I go to schools, universities, public parks, fairs and anywhere we can to show people how a dog can help a person in a wheel chair. She knows how to turn lights on and off, she can ring bells, bring keys, glasses, remote control, medicines or anything you drop or need. She can take my socks and my jacket off, she opens and closes doors and drawers. She is just great!

The first time we gave an exhibition, she was so nervous that she farted all the way through. She just stunk the place up!!! Now she just loves the attention and all the clapping. She really made my life so much better. She is a frisbee and agility lover!!

Morgan and Mota are in training right now. They are two pups doing what they do best, play and make me smile!!

Comments for My Working Aussie And The Two Pups!

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by: Ana Laura

I trained my dogs using the clicker method. They love it and it is a game for them. You should try it. There are many books you can buy. Let me know if I can help you and I will gladly do it. Good luck.

by: Anonymous

I would love to learn how to teach my Aussie the things that you mentioned. Is there a resource for how to teach those things?

My working Aussie
by: Kat Rose

Lovely story. I have a black tri also "Rascal". I would be happy if he would just put his toys up. He'll bring out toy after toy into the livingroom. This is a work in process. Same thing with the frisbee, sometimes he'll bring it back and other times he won't.

by: Anonymous

that is totally wonderful.....

Aussie Love
by: Cindy

I share your passion for aussies, we have two that are ten months old. I laughed out loud at the nervous farting. They look like they're a barrel of fun!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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