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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Need Advice Choosing Between Two Australian Shepherd Puppies

Hello, I would like to have some advice and some points of view because I have the choice between two puppies.

One is way shyer than the other, what could it mean about the future adult dog?

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Comments for Need Advice Choosing Between Two Australian Shepherd Puppies

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Shy Puppy vs Confident
by: Anonymous

If you decide on the one that is shyer it will be your job to socialize and desensitize the puppy to anything that it shows fear of. It is very important to socialize dogs around people. And I mean men, women and children. Letting the pup socialize with other dogs too. Take the puppy out in public as much as possible and let it be exposed to many things. Also when the puppy shows fear do not pet or acknowledges it. If you act like it’s no big deal it will help the dog relax and get over the fear.

All puppies should get this socialization but it is especially important with shy pups.

That said you need to consider your lifestyle and if you have the time to put in that type of effort. It isn’t hard but it does take time. Which puppy fits your lifestyle right now?

by: Anonymous

How about adopting them both? We have found that 2 Aussies are much better than one. They form a bond that cannot be broken and are each other’s BFF.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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