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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Need Advise About Puppy Teething 🐶

by Lisa G
(Western NC)

This is my son Aaron and his girlfriend Sarah's first puppy. Ava is a mini and all Aussie! Ava's teething and they could use some advice. My son says Ava has razors for teeth. 😱😄 All advice will be appreciated.

Comments for Need Advise About Puppy Teething 🐶

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Puppy Teething
by: Tammy

I have two Aussies and we handled the teething this way. If they started chewing on us we would say "Ouch" and say "no bite" and stop play. If they are chewing on something they shouldn't we tell them "No" with firm voice and redirect them by giving them something they should chew on like a chew toy and when they take it and chew on it tell the "good". It is very important to redirect them and not just scold them. They are very intelligent dogs and will learn what is expected of them very quickly.

To keep them occupied so they did not get into things while we were getting ready for work/ school in the mornings we would always give them a rawhide/ chewy to chew on. This kept them busy and in out sight sot they didn't wonder and get into things.

Aussies are wonderful dogs and they really only want to please us.

I hope they enjoy their puppy very much, I know we have ours.

by: Fran

What a cutie!

We pretty much followed poster Tammy's procedure. I only supplied very large rawhide bones so they could not be easily chewed into smaller pieces that could choke; and, I monitored the activity. (I always tried to get unbleached rawhide bones and made sure the source of beef and manufacturing was one I trusted.)

Moreover, our pup's toys were made to withstand most chewing and had a variety of textures - rope, soft, hard, firm, fabric, rubber, etc. Our girl also liked to chew on ice cubes, which probably felt good on her gums. (Again, monitor this.)

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