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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Need Some Help/Tips On Dog Herding Chi

by Wilda

How can I keep my 9 month old boy from herding my 2 and 1/2 year old Chi? It is getting very frustrating for the little guy, who is starting to retaliate, and for us as well. We love them both dearly, but it's really starting to get out of hand. I know the Aussie is just either playing or doing his job, but he just won't stop. From the moment they get up, 'til the evening, they go at it, with walk breaks, and nap breaks, but otherwise, the Aussie is always pushing the Chi, and the Chi is always upset, angry, unhappy, and getting worse. We really want them to live in harmony, and become buddies. The Aussie is about 30-35 pounds, whereas the Chi is about 15 (bigger Chi than the regular ones).

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by: Nonnie

Establish the pack order. You are the alpha parents, and the Chi is the alpha dog since it was yours first. The Chi gets everything first - out the door first, out of the kennel first, gets food bowl first, gets treats first, gets greeted when you come home first --- get the idea? This will let the Aussie and the Chi know who is the alpha dog.

We have a 4.5 lb teacup poodle, a mini Aussie who is 30 lbs, and a toy Aussie who is 20 lbs. That little poodle is nine years old - while the Aussies are not two years old yet. We had to establish this order quickly. The mini snapped at the poodle and was taking things away. She is small and delicate - so protection was our goal and still let them play. Even though the poodle doesn't want to play with anyone!

If our mini had a rawhide and the poodle walked by the mini would snap at her. At that point, we took the rawhide away to establish that the toys and rawhides are MINE. I decide who gets to play with or chew on them. Then we let the poodle play with the toy or chew on the rawhide anything to get her scent on the rawhide. While doing this we move around the kitchen get peanut butter on the rawhide. We let the poodle lick it a bit, then give it back to the mini. The point is twofold - I own the toys and rawhides, and whenever the alpha dog gives the item back, it is better!! has the peanut butter on it!!! This will also work if you someday get a dog who is younger than the Aussie. (We made that stupid move in December)

If you can take an obedience class at your local PetSmart or something like that it will help. The trainer can give you all types of tricks to use.

Teach your Aussie the "leave it" command as soon as you can. Use it to tell the Aussie to "leave it" when your Chi has had enough. Then pick up the Chi and move it to safe place. This will tell the Aussie that playing is done and it will tell the Chi that you are going to "save" him. We use a lot of phrases to help our Aussies. Leave it, all done, drop it, bring it, come, eat?, thirsty?, high five, stay, wait, free, bye bye, please, and may more. We also use hand signals for most of these.

I wish you good luck. I know how much this type of training did with our dogs. I hope it will help yours also.

by: Anonymous

Thank you Nonnie, I really appreciate you taking the time to explain in detail what I need to do.

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