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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Neurotic Behavior In My Australian Shepherd/Border Collie Mix

by Krista B
(Elizabeth, CO)

Boone is my 5 year old Aussie/Border Collie that I have had since he was 9 weeks. He's energetic - to be expected considering his breeds - and quirky. However I feel his behavior is getting worse.

He is not confined all day - he has 35 acres to run and play with our other dog - a 2-year-old Blue Heeler. We also throw the frisbee for him often which he can't get enough. So I feel he's getting enough exercise. Plus he follows the lawnmower every time we mow the lawn.

Now the quirks: he'll bark and tear down the hallway when we get plates in or out of the cupboard. Tries to attack the vacuum (ok that's a common one for most dogs) and will try to bite the tires of the lawnmower, 4 wheeler or skid steer, but hides when I get the fly swatter out.

When we open the porch door, he tears out the doggie door but stops as soon as he gets outside. We try to make him wait until we have the door open then calmly tell him "slow" to let him out.

When we are outside, he runs circles around us, barking, and biting mouthfuls of grass. Then he coughs because he gets grass down his throat.

Lately, he's been eating his food so fast he nearly chokes. He's been with another dog since he was two, and he's never developed the fast eating until now. Thinking one of those special bowls are in our future to slow him down.

Has anyone else seen this behavior with Aussie or Aussie mixes? I've never riled him up or done anything raising him that taught him to do any of these things. Any ideas on how to "slow" him down? If that's even possible?

Comments for Neurotic Behavior In My Australian Shepherd/Border Collie Mix

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5 years old???
by: Anonymous

Did he do most of this as a puppy? Or 2-3 year old? Still puppy in my book. LOL
Our 2-year-old does some of this if allowed (I don't allow this, hubby sometimes thinks it is funny) until he is trying to get something done. She does eat a bit fast has improved over time.
Try putting a tennis ball or something that larger depending on bowl size. This is how we tamed the gobbling of the food.

Border/Aussie behavior issues
by: Anonymous

I have a one year old deaf Border Collie/Australia Shepherd. She had similar behaviors. She runs in circles and chases her tail, she will bite the back of the couch if I go to sit down next to her, she bites the fireplace rock. She too had two other dogs that she plays with, we walk daily out to 2 miles a day and throw the ball All day long. It’s exhausting and feel terrible for her. She has been on trazadone since she was about 6 months old but doesn’t seem to be halping lately and I feel like it’s getting worse. She is aggressive as well and will bite the other dogs for no apparent reason.

Any advice or where to look for help would be greatly appreciated.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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