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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

New Aussie Mom! Suggestions?

by Ali

I will be bringing home my new little boy in just a few days (he will be 8 weeks old then) and he is my first Aussie! I've had many dogs in the past and though I've been able to teach them manners (no begging or jumping on people, etc), I have rarely ever had any success with teaching tricks and other interesting games. I know Aussies are highly intelligent, so I am looking to make the most of this little guy's smarts. If anyone has any tips or suggestions for things I could teach him, I would love to hear! I would also appreciate any feedback involving training methods.

Additionally, if anyone has any suggestions on tips for bringing him home and getting him settled in, I'm interested in that too :)

Questions About Your Aussie Puppy? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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Make everything a game
by: Suzan

I had bought the book "101 Dog Tricks" by Kyra Sundance. It has easy step by step tricks to teach your dog awesome tricks. The biggest thing is make everything you want to teach him a game. They really like to learn new things if it's fun and really rewarding. My girls are 5 now and are always interested in learning something new if it's fun.

by: Gayle Big Run Aussie

You might want to get your pup enrolled in a puppy class as soon as he gets settled in your home. It's good to have him socialized with other dogs. You can also look up info on clicker training. I have trained with a clicker for almost 12 years and have had wonderful results. One of our favorite games is 101 Things to do With a Box. You can do a search to find it on the internet. You can take him to nursing homes--ask first-- to get him socialized. Most nursing facilities appreciate visits from well mannered pups. My girls have been visiting since they were 8 weeks old. They are now seasoned certified therapy dogs. Have fun with your little boy!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Have Dog Training Questions?

Check out these introductory dog training videos...

I want my dog to stop being aggressive.

I want some help training my new puppy.

I want my dog to stop barking at everything.

I want my dog to walk nicely and calmly on the leash.

I want my dog to listen and come every time I call!


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