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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

New Aussie Mom

by Machelle

I got an Aussie pup as a companion for my weiner dog because my other dog is old and has arthritis and doesn't play with him anymore, but my Aussie is a 6 months old and very rough with my weiner dog.

With me and my daughters schedule, he's only crated 8 am til 12:30 and then he has the run of the house til 3:00 and is crated again until I get home at 5:30. He loves his crate and is even restless at bedtime until I open the crate for him to go in and go to sleep.

I just feel like a failure because I work a 2nd job every evening typing but I'm at home with him and I try to throw the ball during my typing. He hates the leash and is scared to death of car rides and then throws up in the car.

I feel bad that I don't exercise him due to my work schedules and thought him and my weiner dog would play more but my Aussie being so rough with my weiner dog, they only play for short periods.

I have a fenced in yard and doggie door so he's always in and out and running around getting into things he shouldn't. I feel guilty and feel that I'm not giving him what he needs.

I am scheduled to start training sessions next month because I've never had to train my other dogs but my Aussie definitely needs it. I'm just worried I'm not giving him what he needs. Does every Aussie parent run and exercise their Aussie every single day?

Comments for New Aussie Mom

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Yes, Aussie's need lots of attention
by: Richard Bryant

Your on the right track with training. Need to leash train and start walking. We have three and wife is full time aussie mom and I have worked from home for three years. The new pup just turned a year old and is extremely rough with older aussie's but is tolerated and they are a tight knit pack. Dog parks and walking at least three times a week. We are currently up to 4 miles @ 20 min per mile. They are pooped when we return and very happy. They love being with me and walking. Awesome Aussies. Hang in there and good luck.

it'll be ok
by: Wilda

They are adaptable, as long as he knows when he can have the run of the house, and can go in and out when you're there(or your daughter) he is fine, and will be. I never went to training for any of my dogs. with time, and age, they pick up and know what you want, what's ok, and whats not, and they pick up their cues form you, and your love for them. my guy is only 5, and he now can run outside with me and my 3 year old grandson without a leash. he listens well, follows well, and does very well. he doesn't even chase the birds or ducks,(if I call him, and say, no.)he's earned to even stop and wait for me when we take long walks. He will be fine, and so will you, but its hard as a puppy. enjoy his puppiness, be kind, and gentle, even when disciplining. (it doesn't take a lot to make them uncertain, and skittish, very sensitive to even voice tones.) oh, I have a long hair Chi, and Cooper is careful not to hurt him, when they children, you just need to teach them, and be consistent.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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