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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

New To Aussies. What Are The Differences Between Australian Shepherds And Boxers?

by Devin
(Denver, Co)

So my wife and I are considering adopting an Aussie to sadly replace our dying Boxer. Can anyone speak to the breed difference, besides the obvious such as shedding, life expectancy and health?

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Dogs adapt to the home, hard to go wrong with a dog you love.
by: Jeff Sleep

We've had two full size Aussies over the past 23 years. Both came to us as adults. We now have a 3 month old miniature Aussie pup. The great thing is whether an Aussie or a Miniature they behave the same. Our pup shares a home with a 32 pound 4 year old terrier mix. They play attack for hours. We expect Brandy to be 25 to 30 pounds full grown. Aussies need a lot of activity and love to be with their humans. Think of having a shadow. They are smart as a whip and perfectly content to fetch a tennis ball indoors or out. Brandy is a chow hound or an apatite on legs so watch their diet. I have mobility issues from a spine injury. Doogy our older dog more than compensates for keeping the pack active. Enjoy your Aussie if you choose one. It will be a joyful package of love and loyalty at full throttle.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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