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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Nipping And Snarling At My 13 Year Old Lab

by Ashley
(Solana Beach, California)

Why, for no apparent reason, my Aussie will just go after my older Labrador nipping, snarling, growling and my Lab, who really could eat him for lunch, never strikes back but skulks away from him, which is also so unlike her! Help!!

Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Nipping And Snarling At My 13 Year Old Lab

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Snarling at lab
by: Anne

You need to understand your Aussie is being dominant.
Are you trying to stop the behavior by correcting your Aussie? Are you taking your Aussie to an obedience class? The class is really for you to learn how to get the desired behavior out of your aussie, and to change unwanted behavior.
E mail me if you need more information.

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

by: Nonnie

You are the alpha in the family. Your Lab is the alpha dog in the family. It will take some time, but your Aussie needs to know that.

We went through this when we brought our Aussie puppy into a family with a 9 year old teacup poodle, Lacey, that weighed 4.5 lbs. Bailee, being the naturally dominant dog, tried to be the alpha dog. She was nipping at Lacey, dominating her, taking stuff from her, even snapping at her.

If you can find an obedience trainer who gives training on an individual basis, it will help. Most of the trainers at PetSmart have this type of class. If not, I can tell you what our trainer told us to do. It works 90% of the time. We sometimes have to have a repeat "boot camp" class. But for the most part I am comfortable with our 30 lbs Aussie on the floor with the 4.5 lbs poodle.

Good Luck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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