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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

No Barking Or Growling At Seven Months

by Matt

Our blue merle, Charlotte, won over the family from the first day we brought her home. She has all the great traits of Aussies we were hoping for plus extras we did not count on. She is affectionate, smart, fantastic with the kids, easy to train, and her daily exercise requirements have even helped me shed a few pounds! We even love her bad traits--she is the sneakiest thief you will ever meet. However, she does not bark or growl at seven months of age. Most folks tell me I am one of the lucky few and I should be grateful. I realize the benefits, but I also want Charlotte to eventually provide security by being more protective of the kids and barking at strangers coming into the yard. Is it likely her quiet behavior will change as she gets older, or are some Aussies known to be the silent types?

Comments for No Barking Or Growling At Seven Months

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

You are indeed fortunate, especially with kids in the house. One of my dogs never barked until he was over a year, but when he found his voice he never stopped. My girls are also very sweet natured, but there is no doubt that they would take care of me in a bad situation. The protective instinct does increase as the dogs get older.

No barking or growling
by: Anonymous

I don't think she will change. My aussie is very protective and will bark at strangers, however, one of her sisters never barked.

Barking and Growling
by: Aussieloves

My Aussie Yoshi was the quietest little thing until about 8 months. Never made a sound. Then when puberty hit he started to be a little more vocal. Nothing major, but he would give one warning bark or growl a little when a stranger came near our house to let us know that someone was on the property. His personality still stayed the same. He was still the mellow, friendly, quiet boy, but he just became a little more territorial when he got older. Maybe because he's a male, but I just want to let you know that you probably don't have to worry about your dog being "too quiet".

I call mine the doggie doorbell
by: Ellen

My sweet Aussie, Boudreaux was nearly silent the first couple years or so, but now he barks a good bit. He barks when anyone but myself drives up (including my husband), goes nuts over the UPS man, and even barks from inside the house when the neighbors pull in their driveway. He does't usually bark at other dogs or animals which is strange and I would never say his barking is out of control, but he does talk back or "bark back" to us at times. Although he is vocal about strangers, he never shows aggression towards people. He sounds ferocious when he barks... like a Rottweiler, which is good for security. The only thing he barked at the first few years was a doorbell sound. I think they become more defensive as they age so maybe the bark will develop!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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