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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

No Pull Leash/Collar

by Mark

Lola is a wonderful 2 year old but she is puller while on her leash. Does anyone have a recommendation for a great collar/leash combo that will help with this problem?

Comments for No Pull Leash/Collar

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by: Debbie

My aussie is 10 months old and if she starts to pull all i have to say is NO and she stops immediately because all she wants to do is please me. Put your aussie on a short leash so you can control it and if your dog pulls says No in a different tone and your dog will come around. They are really smart and learn fast. Good Luck.

by: Ann

My Aussie pulled when he was a puppy just learning to walk on a lead so I went to Petsmart and got an 'Easy Walk' harness. I really like the idea of a harness, I don't like to yank his neck and I don't like those leads on their nose.
My neighbor's dog pulled the owner who is older and could be dangerous if she fell, so I suggested an Easy Walk for her too. It helps ALOT but it's not 100%. good luck

by: Anonymous

I just started to use a Halti on my 11 month old mini aussie and it seems to be working really well. She hated it at first, but now she is ok with it. Sometimes I walk her without it now and she definately doesn't pull as much as she did before.

Lupine Collar
by: Anonymous

I have nothing but good things to say about the Lupine collar and leash.

The Lupine is a fabric choke collar, but it's not scary choke collar - just uncomfortable.

I've noticed that the Aussie's aren't like other dogs and they have a really low tolerance for pain, so minor discomforts usually make them stop.

Lupine will also replace the leash if there is any damage (including chewing!)

Sorry to be a spokesman, but my new dog just chewed through his leash and I was able to take it to a different store from where I bought the leash and they still took it back!

Too cool.

half hitch
by: Anonymous

just get a long leash or horse lead and tie a half hitch around your pup just forward of the hind legs. when your pup pulls it will tighten slightly giving them a little squeeze.they will learn very quickly. this is done by attaching the leash normally then bringing it down the spine just forward of the hind legs then bring it underneath the belly and around back to where you started crossing under the beginning portion the just walk like normal.

Dog Harness
by: Anonymous

We had great luck with Premier's Easy Walker harness. It has a martingale up front on the chest which squeezes if they pull, which they don't like. After one time, my 4 month old puppy learned not to pull with it on. That said, we only use it for long walks. For taking her out to pee we're using the collar and doing loose leash training - keeping lots of treats in your hand keeps her nose near you, and a loose leash. She's just 6 months old, but is progressing well.

can't even get easy walk harness on
by: Cia

My Aussie turned two in June. She pulls constantly and extremely hard when on a leash. I had to stop taking her for walks. I was using an Easy Walk harness, but she started twisting, jumping, and writhing so much when I tried to fasten it that it was impossible for me to do so. I've tried stopping every time she pulls, saying No! Sit! (she sits) Heel!, then OK, taking another step, but she's already pulling extremely hard. Not even one second when I can say Good dog. She jumps, pulls, barks relentlessly. She has to stay in the play pen still when she's not outside or in her crate to sleep. She tries to break loose when I open it and often succeeds, and runs around the house. She snatches stuffed animals from my daughter and last week snarled when I got it away from her. I take her outside to throw Frisbees for her twice a day for half an hour at a time. She's very good at obeying Sit, Down, sometimes Stand. Not good at Come, Stay, or Heel. Or Leave it, Drop it. I can't incorporate her in our life because she's so wild and so destructive. Purebred Aussie, cost me $1200.

Aussie Obedient but a Puller
by: Anonymous

My 11 month old Aussie is totally obedient until it comes to walking. She being trained as a service dog but at the hospital a guard said, "She doesn't look like a service dog to me." My response, which he was okay with was: "She's in training." Except she's been in training for eight months.

Will stop and sit but when ready to walk, she pulls and once pulled me to the ground. The good part, she also came back and sat with me until I could get up again and resume the walk - pulling.

Where's the dog whisperer when you need him?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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