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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Old Aussie Is Hacking, Always Thirsty

Rudi is 12 y/o, and lately he has begun to hack like he's trying to clear his throat whenever he exerts himself the least little bit. And he's almost constantly thirsty. I'm on a very tight budget lately, and the vet is a bill I just can't afford.

Comments for Old Aussie Is Hacking, Always Thirsty

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I would be concerned
by: Anonymous

because of his age, I would recommend you take him to the vet, that doesn't good. maybe you can pay on installments

Hacky/thirsty Older Aussie
by: Anne Calmes

I hate to tell you this but you NEED to take your dog to the vet.
It could be a number of things, Do you have him on Heartworm preventative? if not could be Heartworms.
It could be congestive heart failure.
It could be cancer, or numerous other health issues....the thirst may be diabetes...yes dogs can get diabetes.
The only way to help your aussie is to find out what it is by the Vet.
I hope you can find the extra funds to take your aussie
Anne Calmes

Aging Aussie
by: Nonnie

I understand your hesitation and not being able to afford a large vet bill. Check the internet for low-cost vets in your area or call your local SPCA to see if they can recommend someone who will work with you. Sometimes you can find vet training schools that will treat animals at little or no cost.

It does sound like something serious, but could very well be treatable.

I wish you the best.

by: Anonymous

Could be heartworm - I hope not.

Sick Pet
by: Debbie

Call your local SPCA. A lot of them now have medical care which is very reasonable. I just recently lost a maltese. It was so sad. He had lymphoma. Please don't let your dog suffer. Take him for medical attention.
Good Luck.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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