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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Old Friend

by Clint

I wrote this about 4 years ago.

He was almost 12.

I lost someone very near and dear to me Friday night. Not only was he family but a great friend as well. He helped me on road jobs and in the shop. Loved to go hunting with me. Going to work cows at the ranch was his favored thing to do. He was good with my grandsons and loved Shawn and Allison. Always there when I needed someone to talk to. Never let me down and always wanted to do more. He loved to go for rides, didn't matter where we was going as long as he was part of the group. He truly was my best friend. Some say dogs don't have a heaven but I know he'll be in my heaven. Rest in peace old friend for we will be together again one day.

Love you Blu.

Comments for Old Friend

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May 20, 2013
sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

it sounds like you were a great buddy and a friend

May 20, 2013
Your dog Blu
by: Anonymous

I loved what you said about your dog Blu. I believe dogs go to heaven and I know Blu will be there waiting for you. I had a dog like Blu too that passed this year and he will be there waiting for me one day as well. Its hard to let go of such a special dog. They touch your heart like none other. As time passes, we remember all the great times until we meet again. Take care.

May 20, 2013
by: Clint

Thanks for the kind words.


May 21, 2013
My heart felt Condolences
by: Suzan

I do believe that God has made a place in heaven for our dogs. He is in heaven watching over his family.

Jul 15, 2013
New pup

Know the feeling. Have lost several and it's one of the hardest things to go through. So glad you have a new pup. He is adorable and I'm sure you two will bind quickly and be best buds! Dani from Diamond Horseshoe Ranch

Aug 10, 2013
Sorry for your loss
by: Paula

Sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful dog. Looks like you got yourself another friend who will stay by your side for a long time.I also lost Buffy and Aussie/Border Collie Mix in May on the 16th. We woke up one morning and she was bleeding out and we found out it was bladder cancer and had to put her to sleep. She was only 9 1/2 years old. She left behind a brother Cody who is a mini Aussie and will be 8 years old next Sunday and a sister Zoey who is 10. She is an Aussie cattle dog.
I did read where there is a heaven that dogs go to to wait for their owner to join them and when you get there they will be the first to meet you.

Sep 25, 2013
So sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

My husband and I became "Aussie parents" to two adorable toy aussie brothers 1/2011. Sadly, I lost one after three seizures (he had never seized before and the vet saw him after the first one). His brother was so lost after losing his littermate and friend that we added two full-sized Aussie sisters that he trained.
Sadly, I lost him the day before my dad died. I believe that I had to lose my little Aussie so that he could escort my dad to heaven.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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