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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Older Aussie Games?

by Megan
(Madera, CA, USA)



I have a female who is getting older (almost 9) and she won't admit it but she just can't play the same games she used to. The strenuousness of her favorite fetch games and agility runs are becoming too much for her body to handle; she ends up super sore and limping :(

Does anyone have any good suggestions as to less intense but still fun stimulating games I can play with her, both inside and outside?

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Interactive Toys
by: Anonymous

Hello, Maybe get her one of the treat toys in which she has to work to get the treats out. Also you can play hide-the-toy and let her find it in the house close by maybe across the room or just in the next room. Hope this helps :) Lisa, Ky.

How about talking to your vet
by: Anonymous

about something to help keep her joints in better shape and for pain if she overdoes it? If she loves doing those things then IMO she should be allowed to for as long as SHE wants. My mom's aussie was very active up until at least 12 or 13. She is 16 or 17 now and has only really stopped playing in the last 2 years. My mom put her on something for joint health and it really helped.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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