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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

One And A Half Year Old Male Aussie Pees In House

by Terry

I have a 1 1/2 year old Aussie (male). Got him from a breeder when he was one. He had been kennel kept and the only training he had was for the confirmation ring.

Every once in awhile (maybe biweekly) he pees in the house. I know he is good for about 9 hours in the crate. Mostly he pees after vigorous play/training.

Is this normal or is there hope for it to stop?

Comments for One And A Half Year Old Male Aussie Pees In House

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Male peeing
by: Cpcc

That is pretty common in a male of this age. I hate the thoughts of him being neutered but that may be the only thing you can do to improve that. My breeding male does that when he gets overly excited, and he is now 3 years old. The vet recommended getting him fixed. I said no, and now when he is not playing outside, he stays in his crate. I don’t go along with sterilizing dogs before all of their sex hormones develop as it leads to obesity, diabetes, and usually cancer at an early age. Research the pros and cons of neutering before you make a decision.

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