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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

One Or Two Makes A Happier Dog?

I am getting an Aussie pup. Will he be happy as an only dog or would he be happier if I got his sister too?

Comments for One Or Two Makes A Happier Dog?

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by: Agnes

Get a sister. They would be happier together.
They love to play!!!

by: Viv

My breeder will not sell brother and sister together to anyone. She told me they will bond with each other and not with the owners. It is best to buy your second dog later, not at the same time. It also depends on how much time you have. But, if you want the dog(s) to bond with you then don't buy the brother sister, or sibling pair. Hope this helps. Good luck with your new dog(s).

Two Makes A Happier Dog!
by: Marie

We have 2 female littermates, now 6 months old. I was warned about the same sex pair but we've had no problems at all. There was no crying at night or any issues like that. So that you will understand my situation better, I'm giving you the link to my website
It has been great with both of them, but Aussie's are great anytime. They seem very well adjusted, however, being separated is still a worry for me. I have taken one with me for the day several times and that works well. However, we have yet to leave either one of them alone for any length of time. Sorry to say, that is something we haven't worked on. Good luck.

by: Jess

I would suggest to wait and not buy a littermate...

Having experience with littlermates, they will bond with you but their bond with their brother/sister will ALWAYS be stronger.
With that said training is difficult, not impossible but much more difficult unless they are on a one on one situation.
I love littermates! and they are adorable when they cuddle everynight.

So I guess it depends on your background with dogs and the breed and how committed you are to following through with training even if times get rough (who knows you may not even have any issues)

Either way Goodluck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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