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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Other Options For Allergys

We love our Aussie (Cider) so much and would do anything for him, but we're at our wits end with his allergy. We tried betalog and prednisone and those sent him into an eating frenzy and up to 94 lbs. Then we tried atopica but even the generic is $185.00 a month for the 150mg that the vet says a dog Cider's size needs. Can anyone help us before we have to file bankruptcy?

Ron, Jani and Cider

Comments for Other Options For Allergys

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by: Anonymous

What is he allergic to? Have you tried a raw diet or a home-cooked diet?

by: Jean

You did not mention what Cinders symptoms are. Is he/she itchy? I would also love some recommendations. My vet put him on hydroxyzine 2x a day and it does not seem to be working. I took him off of poultry and grains but that does not seem to working either. There are no signs of any fleas. Think it may be environmental and am going to have to spend the $300 on allergy testing. He has red front armpits (sometimes he has a rash) and chest and seems to itch all over.

Itching and scratching
by: Linn

I never heard of cinders not sure what it is.. but my two Aussies are constantly scratching and itching and flakey. They sometimes chew themselves raw , we have tried benedryl but it only works for a while that day and then its back to chewing again... No fleas, tried baths .. and they only work for a day. Its sad to see these girls gnawing at themselves everyday. Any suggestions would be appreciated

by: Anonymous

Yes, I too would like to know more details. I have a fabulous medication that works wonders for eye problems (seasonal allergy). Allergy testing should not be $300.00. My vet said about $75.00. You need to shop around

by: Anonymous

Ooops... I meant ear problems.

by: Jean

I meant to say "Cider" not Cinders in the last post (have a friend with a dog named Cinders).

My vet has been treating my dogs allergies as if they were food related. We have taken him off of poultry and grains and have him on antihistamines 2X a dy ...very expensive! I just brought my dog to my cabin in the mountains for 3 days and he did not scratch once! Obviously, it is something in my house or in my yard and has nothing to do with the food.

I have a chemical free home but I did break down and get "Preen" for vegetable garden. He does spend time with me in the garden and I am thinking he is having a reaction to it.

by: Anonymous

My Aussie male had a very bad allergy reaction - scratching all the time until he bled. He also lost most of his belly and leg fur and the rest looked pretty pathetic too!

I thought it was a food allergy and took him off all grains and put him on raw food. It all helped a bit but when by chance I changed from Frontline to Advantix the result was stunning. His fur is now thick and fluffy; he doesn't scratch and generally looks great.

by: Jean

Tucker's allergies were getting so bad I ended up having to get him tested and my vet and I were both surprised by the outcome. There were different levels of allergies but he was very positive to beef, lamb, oats, cotton, dust mites, mold and mosquitoes. Boderline to Chicken and Turkey and some others.

I got rid of all beef (I didn't give him beef but he did have beef bones that I got rid of), chicken, turkey and oats from his diet. I am currently feeding him Kirland grain free that is made with fish. I also changed his bed to something without cotton in it. My house is clean but mold and dust mites live in carpets and there is not much you can do about them. I only have one room with carpet (my tv room and the one we spend the most time in) and realized that is the room that he usually itches in. Can't afford to get rid of the carpet and put in wood floors as my vet suggested ^_^

Being that I got rid of some of his major allergies, he is doing much better...fur is growing back and he is not itching anymore.

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