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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Our Aussie Bailey Had A Seizure

by Susi Clarke
(St. Robert, Mo, U.S.A.)

He had a seizure for about 2 min this morning. We took him to the vet but he said they don't do nothing unless he has another one and that very common with the Aussie breed. What can we do any suggestions?

Comments for Our Aussie Bailey Had A Seizure

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so sorry
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry you baby had a seizure, I hope and pray it was a fluke and he doesn't have anymore, but unfortunately, it is a common disease among Aussies (not all), but it is mentioned among them. I had an Aussie boy, and he started getting them at age 2. We had him on meds, and holistic care til the age of 5. There are some that live a full life, even with the seizures. I wish you and your boy the best.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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