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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Our Australian Shepherd Has Lethargic Days

Our 3-year-old female Australian Shepherd is mostly very energetic and eager to go. However, about three times a month she just wants to lie around and looks sad and droopy.

Is there something wrong with her?

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Taking the Day Off
by: Anonymous

I have noticed similar behavior in our 3-year-old Australian Shepherd. She is normally boisterous like a small child but has days where she will not even lift her head from her pillow when we walk into the room. I went through all the possibilities; maybe she's sick, depressed, etc. but it seems that she is just rather having a lazy day. She will return to "normal" quickly and it will come and go.

She is the most intelligent and excited dog I've ever owned and I've learned to accept that she just may need a mental health break like deep thinkers need from time to time.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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