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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Our Melt Your Heart Max

by Rebecca Spence
(Maryville, Tennessee USA)

Our Crosswinds Jamin Airmax "Max"... is probably first in flight as he runs through the pasture. He came here to Crosswinds in October of 2011. He has won our hearts and those who meet him. He carefully watches over our baby calves and our grandchildren. Sometimes I wish he would herd my husband too! He springs through the pasture as if he is floating on air. He watches for the geese to land on the pond and the deer and the turkeys.

There was one day though that he got more than he bargained for... If I remember correctly, and I do, that was the day when both Max and my husband were outwitted by "The Skunk". I was at my post high up on our deck when I saw Max stand at alert.

I began roaming the pasture with my eyes. At the east corner... there it was! By now Max had taken off like a bullet to rid his land of this intruder. The only word my mouth and brain could agree on was RUN! Of course by now my husband saw what was about to take place and he heard me yell run... so that's what he did. He ran... straight into the skunk. He and Max both fought a good fight but lo and behold the skunk won that day.

My husband and Max came in with tail between their legs and smelling like something had died in their pants. The skunk trotted off, feeling a bit more boastful about himself and then there's me, let's just say... once I was able to pick myself up off the ground from laughing so hard, this little lady had to change her britches.

Keep a merry heart and have an Aussie day.

Mrs.Rebecca Spence

Comments for Our Melt Your Heart Max

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Our Melt Your Heart Max
by: Carol

Your Max looks so much like our dearly departed Jake. He lived at our house and we belonged to him, but the whole neighborhood loved him. I couldn't even spank my daughter if he was around - he would get between us and push me out of the way. NO ONE touched her when he was on guard. Needless to say when we lost Jake, the whole neighborhood mourned. Love my Aussies.

Skunk usually wins
by: Kadie's mom

My Kadie always goes after skunks when they come into her yard. Even at 4:00 am, I am having to give her a bath. The word "stop" doesn't work sometimes and she seems so oblivious to it.
Just gotta keep plenty of dawn soap, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda on hand... :)

by: Anonymous

I wanted to add more picture to my aussie story - how do you edit to do that?

Note from Anton: You can just email me the photo(s) at the same email address you sent them before. But you can only have 4 photos per page with the system we are currently using. If you would like to add more photos you would just create a new page and include your photos there.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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