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Over Excited Outside - Jumps, Nips, Bites Boots, Tears Clothing
by Mimi
I have an Aussie puppy 5 months old and we go out for long walks 3 times a day. Sometimes I have a long lead for when we play "fetch" with a frisbee or a ball. She will chase and fetch several times before she becomes super excited and hyped up - and then she turns on me. The frisbee and ball then become less interesting to her than biting on my clothes or boots. She'll jump up repeatedly, bite at my boots, grab the ends of my jacket or clothing and thrash around if she can. When I try to put my hand out to tell her off or settle, she will bite my hand and jump up even more. She will jump up and bite at my clothes, gloves and boots (the primary caregiver) more than anyone else. In fact it hardly happens to anyone else. She does not bite my hand at home - just outside.
She will sometimes listen to "sit" and sometimes "settle" for brief rest, but will get right back to it when she gets excited again. It is terribly difficult while outside to get her full attention and she'll get hyper while were halfway out on our walks. Sometimes that means dragging her home clamped down on my pant-leg or fighting her off me as we shuffle home for another 30 minutes. I've taken to wearing gloves and I fear it's only made it worse - but it's snowing outside.
I could really use some help here. If it's a leadership thing, please be specific as I am doing all the be firm, pack leader stuff already. If it's an escalation thing, how do we get her to exercise enough without being excited?
Thanks for your help!
Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care