by Taryn
(NSW, Sydney, Australia)
I have a 2-year-old fame Aussie named Max.
It is just me and my partner so Max isn't used to a lot of humans coming over etc.
Max at the start was protective of me over my parents. Max would just growl.
I am worried it may get worse as when my 3-year-old niece is around he sits right in front of me. When I have picked her up when she was screaming he went to bite her leg (not hard but still) I don't think he liked the loud noise and maybe he thought I was in trouble not trying to settle and comfort her.
My other 5-year-old niece seemed to be teasing Max a little and getting in his face and he nicked her hand. Once again only a little red mark but still I am very concerned.
I am worried what he will be like when we have children and I just can't trust him with little kids at the moment.
Please help. I don't really know what kind of training that would assist.
I am in Sydney, Australia.
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