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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Please Help Me Come Up With A Name For My Aussie Blue Merle Female


Should I name her a girlie name or I was thinking something along the line of an outdoor name. She's so beautiful I want a special name. I had Kylie Maliblue picked out, but my family can't agree on this name. HELP!

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Comments for Please Help Me Come Up With A Name For My Aussie Blue Merle Female

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by: Anonymous

Post pictures !!

We have a blue-eyed blue merle female mini Aussie. We got her just a few months after we lost our toy black tri. We named her Bailee Joy ... knowing that she would bring the joy back into our lives and begin to fill the huge hole that our Carly Jo had left.

All of my dogs have first and middle names :~) Bailee Joy, Maggie Mae (Baliee's half sister), Lacy Lou (our teacup 10 year old diva poodle) and Sugar Bear (our Maltese puppy).

I would love to see pictures. You can see my babies here:

would love to help
by: Anonymous

it would help to see pictures, and for you to describe her personality. what you love about her, etc., so we can get a better idea.
sometimes it will come to you in a moment.

Aussie Names
by: Maria

My heritage is Basque, who are known for their shepherding abilities. They have a way with their dogs and most are of Aussie lines. Some say the Aussie we know today originated from the Basque and later bred with other lines.
I don't speak Basque and my father passed away so I got on line...Googled Basque names. You'd be surprise what you can find there

I named my Blue Merle girl.....Zoliki and call her Zoli. The "i" sounds like a long "e". It means alert, smart, ambishious....and she is every bit all of that! My brother had an Aussie girl too.....her name was Neska....pretty girl. I love that name but didn't want to name after another.

I just loved the fact that they are a herding/ working dog and Basque names just seem to fit. There are sites that will give you the meaning so....
Good luck......

My Periwinkle
by: Anonymous

I have a blue Merle Aussiedoodle named Periwinkle because one of her eyes is Periwinkle blue.

training name
by: jcrply

For training and recall purposes, it is good to have a 2 syllable name ending in a vowel. Both syllables should be very distinct.
Choose a name that is NOT similar to any command word that you will be using ("Stacie" will sound too much like "stay", etc...). Some people prefer names that are NOT "people names" -or at least not family member names, but then some people might like that. I recommend that you go out into your yard and try saying out loud - VERY loud- the names that you are considering.

Female Aussie name
by: Anonymous

We named our beautiful female Aussie "Kya". I believe it means ''beautiful' in Farsi.

by: LMA

I have a female mini aussie who's a blue merle and I named her Paisley - she has beautiful markings and one blue eye - one brown, definately suits her!

Piper Sagonigei
by: Michelle

I wanted to use a Native American (Cherokee) name for my blue merle girl.

So, her name is Piper (just a name I liked) with middle name Sagonigei (which is the Cherokee word for blue)

Perfect Female Aussie name Is...
by: Anonymous

My Blue Merle Australian Shepard is called Avalon. A very beautiful and majestic sounding name just like my girl. :)

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