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Pooping Outside
by Addie
Our boy, Cutler :)
Hello :) My husband and I just got a 15 week old miniature Australian Shepherd from a breeder this past Thursday. He's been doing great so far. The only problems have been chewing (which we, for now, are attributing to his teething) and pooping outside. He does great with peeing outside. He will go as soon as you take him out. However, pooping has been a whole other story. I can catch him squatting inside, immediately pick him up and take him to his potty spot, and he will not go! I have been outside with him for half an hour or more telling him "go potty", rubbing his belly, etc. He goes almost 24 hours without popping sometimes, which cannot be healthy or comfortable.
Any one else dealt with this problem with their Aussie? Any tips on how to get him to poop more easily outside? Like I said, I know he needs to go as I see him squat inside. But as soon as he gets outside, it's like he refuses to go. It is frustrating, as I don't want him pooping on our carpet (obviously). Any help would be appreciated :)