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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Possible Common Causes For Aussie's Death

by Robin

We rescued our Aussie, Border Collie mix when she was two.

Last night she died and we don't know why. She wasn't feeling well, was lying around. I called the vet but it was closed because it was Saturday. She had a few drops of watery stool. Then she acted like she was feeling a little better. We watched her lie down and not move while we had dinner. Went to check on her and she was dead...

Comments for Possible Common Causes For Aussie's Death

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Aussie's Death
by: Nonnie

I am so sorry. It hurts so bad with we lose our furry kids. We lost our Aussie one week before she turned one year old. It was sudden and traumatic. We have no idea what actually happened.

I am so glad she had a loving family.

Loss of your pet
by: Debbie

I am so sorry for your loss...

So sad for your loss
by: Colin

Your dog was so lucky to have you as her human... just as you were lucky to have her as your baby dog. Blessings to you, your family and your baby dog. :)

Maggie's mysterious death
by: Robin

Hi everyone
Thank you for your caring words.This is the first time I have personally lost a pet. And Maggie was so awesome.She loved us completely.
We are so in love with Aussie's now.
"Maggie Mae Flower" will be missed forever.
I have cried so much. And when I think about her trusting me to help her.....well I just bawl.
She was my baby girl!

Nonnie, I am very sorry you had to lose your
baby so soon and suddenly. The not knowing what happened is what really gets to me too.

Well you have another Aussie to love!!!

One cause of death in dogs.
by: Anonymous

I am sorry to hear your story.
We ALMOST lost our current family friend Bronco due to our hobbies. Bronco and I have always been fishing partners. He keeps me company during those times when the fish are not biting (which can be a lot sometimes). Recently Bronco was ill, very ill. He didn't want to move, had little-to-none bowel movements, and refused to eat. We did everything we could before finally taking him to the vet. Bronco was on his last leg and the vet got the results... Salmon poisoning! Salmon poisoning is an overlooked, but common disease which only canines contract. 90% of dogs who contract it die. The most common cause is eating fish, from the Salmanoid species which include trout! So watch out what your dog eats when fishing! plant life in and around water can also hold the disease. Luckily if caught and treated Bronco, and other dogs, should build up a better immunity to it! and i'll be watching him a bit more :)

Aussie's Death
by: Nonnie

Hi Robin - I hope you will get an Aussie soon. She will help heal the hole in your heart.

Carly Jo went to bed at 9:00. We went to bed at 10:00. My husband got up at 11:00 and Carly had had diarrhea and it was bloody. He woke me up immediately. I had to literally pull her out of the kennel. I wrapped her in a towel and we rushed her to the emergency clinic.

When we first got there, they felt she was having a gastrointestinal hemorrhage. They were optimistic that they could help her. They took her to the back to get IV's started, etc. About 15 minutes went by and they had dropped the success rate from 50% to 20%. She was bleeding so fast and they could not stop it. They brought her into a room and we held her as they gave her the medicine that would put her to sleep. I can still remember how she felt and how the life just went out of her. She knew how much we loved her.

I cried for weeks, every day, most of the day. My husband had to go to work, but he felt the pain equally. We had decided that we would wait several months before getting another Aussie. There was never any doubt that we would get an Aussie, it was just the timing.

A few weeks later, I started looking for breeders in our area. Carly Jo was a black tri mini Aussie. I sent emails to at least ten different breeders in Texas. Only one person responded. She cried over my story and our loss. I told her how I just wanted a female black tri mini Aussie who looked just like Carly Jo. Of course, I knew that was not the best thing, but it was what I wanted. She invited us to come see her puppies - even if we decided not to get a puppy from her.

A few weeks later, we did just that. While there we picked out a beautiful blue-eyed, blue merle female mini Aussie. Three weeks later, we got her. Her name is Bailee Joy.

The week after Thanksgiving we got her half sister. A black tri female toy Aussie. Her name is Maggie Mae.

They are the joy of our lives, along with a nine year old 4.5 lb white teacup poodle!

I wish you the best in your search for another baby to love and fill the hole left by your baby. Please keep us posted!

love the name
by: Anonymous

so sorry for your loss. How old was she? I love the name. We lost our boy at age 5 to epilepsy, but maybe an autopsy for you would have answered your question. Still, it doesn't matter, I guess, except, if you do get another dog, it might be god to know if it was due to some kind of plant poison, or something.

We got ourselves another Aussie, a toy this time, hoping he and our daughter Chi would become become playmate/buddies.

Aussies are the best. We've had and have several different breeds of dogs, and we love them all, but the Aussies are just so sweet, fun and cute, and smart... anyway. I wish you the best. take care.

Loss of an Aussie
by: Cory

So sorry for your loss. We too lost our Aussie Bella, when she was 3. Words cannot describe how much we miss her. She was the best dog that I have ever had the chance to be around. Putting her down was the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. We miss her dearly.

Recently, her mom and dad had their final litter. So we got the pick of the litter. Bella was a black tri and She picked out my wife. This time Ozzie, a blue merle, picked me out. He was only 2 weeks old when we seen him and he climbed on my lap. I was sold on him. He is now 12 weeks old and growing strong...

My Skylar...
by: Meg

In 2002, my husband and I were just dating then; he decided to adopt another dog to keep his beautiful Keeshon dog named "Mather" company. I remember sitting at Borders after he adopted our second dog and trying to find a good name for her. We found "Sky" was the best, it sounded so wonderful, grand. Skylar was a tri colored Australian Shepard/Border Collie mix my husband rescued from the apl, she was so beautiful!!! We took her and Mather on so many trips, she went on every vacation with us. Recently we noticed she was slowing down but were not overly concerned, Saturday we went away for the day and when we came back she was in trouble, sitting down, breathing labored, so we got her into the car to the animal er, things happened so quickly, her breathing within a few minutes came to a stop. I tried breathing for her, was crying etc... and by the time we got to the er she was gone. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME I KEEP CRYING AND AM SO FRUSTRATED THAT I MAY HAVE MISSED SOMETHING. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET OVER THIS. You see, I have been underemployed and Sky would keep me company as I worked on the computer. It felt great having her near me. I loved her so much and don't know how I am going to get through this...

We lost our 2 1/2 yr old Border Collie today
by: Robin

Our Annie died suddenly today after being sick since yesterday. The vet tried everything to save her but she was in complete kidney failure by the time I got her there and did emergency surgery to try to save her. The vet found a large portion of her colon was completely dead and she had blood clots present. She could not find the cause. I wish we knew what caused it. Heartbroken!

Kobe's Empty Bed
by: Anonymous

We lost our beautiful Mini Aussie Kobe this morning. We've had him for almost 6 yrs. We brought him home when he was 6 weeks old and he brought so much happiness to us. We noticed that he was not eating like he used to but he was always full of life and we had just had him at the vets about 10 days ago and he told us not to worry that he would eat when he got hungry and not to worry. Yesterday I found him behind one of our sheds and we literally had to take the fence down and carry him out. I bathed him and called the vet but of course it being a weekend no one returned our call. I have been reading all of these sudden deaths in Aussies, does anyone know why or what causes these problems to suddenly come up and end so bad?

by: Tara

Still bawling over losing our baby... he always greets me in the driveway yesterday he didn't I found him rapidly breathing I checked his gums they were white So I knew something bad was wrong😢 The vet did full blood workup nothing but whipworm was found. My dogs roam freely on a farm and are wormed monthly. Bring him home with wormer and think it's going to be okay wake up at 2:00 am to check on him blood all over my mudroom. Called the vet she said it was normal for the site to bleed where fluids were given. Duke would drink water but not eat I sat by his side breathing got worse and he died. So heartbroken. I feel like I failed him.

Aussie lab unexpected death
by: Anonymous

Snickers appetite was poor wasn't eating slept a lot. Gave her the second dose of simperica. 2 days later found her dead. She ate people food to get something in her. Drinking ok. Had urinated and small amount of stool. She was 10. had one emesis is day beforehand small amount of loose stool. My heart is shattered.

by: Anonymous

Spleen and Liver Hemangiosarcoma aka spleen cancer in dogs...Google it. Then ask ur vet if that is something that they would pick up on an autopsy

Love our fury Australian Sheppards
by: Melinda

I have an miniature that is 14 yrs & 3 months on 1/8/23.
She is so dear to my heart, she has been having eye issues, but clears up. (Cloudie eyes). Has a fat tissue on her chest, that's been there for more than half of her life. (VET SAYS NP) She has been breathing harder, but has lots of energy and love to show. She has been so sweet, I am so worried about her. I've enjoyed Rayshaw Mazzie Star and don't want to lose her. I cherish my days with her and her brother Azure Ludi Star. He is 12 yrs & 4mth 1/18/23. My toy Australia Sheppard has been diagnosed with seizures and on medication for the rest of his life. When he started having (10/11/22 ) seizures, 3 in one day. I had thought I had lots him. I also cherish him with all my love that's he shows me daily. I hope we have an longer than life experience together ❤️ 😔

Winnie Reedman
by: Jessica

We lost our Aussie Shepherd Winnie, last week. She was the happiest, obedient, well trained and active dog we have ever owned. She was beautiful and only 20 months. Nothing was wrong with her when she went to bed at 10pm, she slept close to our old Golden Retriever. When my daughter was going to say good morning at 6.30am she was long gone and stiff. It was more than traumatic and not knowing what happened is the worst feeling.

We are totally devastated and cannot understand how a totally healthy dog can just die overnight. No signs anywhere and nothing happened to her as far as we know.

RIP Winnie- forever loved

I’m sorry for your lost and worried about my rn
by: Anonymous

I’m extremely sorry about yours lost my dog is the almost exact same but she is mine! I love her more than anything she is showing the pretty close to same signs as yours. If some one anyone could recommend anything for me to do or how to help I’d be greatly appreciative.

by: Anonymous

I recently just lost my baby boy Aussie he was only 5 months old. I miss him so much dearly. Ive never felt so sad over a dog before. He was fine and recently he started having diarrhea but I just assumed he ate something, the next day he started throwing up in the night time, and the 3rd night he was throwing up and had bloody diarrhea. I was forced feeding him water and he actually started drinking water in the night on his own. The next morning I was getting the car ready to take him to the vet to see what was going on. Right when I was gonna carry him, my husband told me he had passed away. I was crying I didn't wanna let him go. I don't understand why I lost my poor Aussie he was in great health and he had all his vaccines. I just hope he knows how much he meant to me. It kills me that I'll never know what happened.

by: Greg

We lost our black tri yesterday. He was just about to turn 4 years old. While running for a ball he rolled over several times and crawled back to me using his front legs. Some sort of spinal injury. He didn’t regain use of his back legs or have any ability to empty his bladder after a day so we had no choice. He was super active and in phenomenal shape. But beyond that, he was the most affectionate, loyal, and lovable dog you could ask for. Our hearts are broken in pieces.

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