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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Potty Training Our 3 Month Old Female Australian Shepherd

by Cindy Mahieu
(Moline, Illinois, US)

Our 3 month old Aussie, Lola is such a sweetie and so smart she gets along great with our 2 year old Lab and 13 year old Border Collie. They have the run of our 2 acres and are indoor dogs.

Lola goes potty the minute she goes outside and has since she was a puppy. We kennel her while at work every day and she loves her kennel. The problem is she still goes potty in the house and she does not even have a favorite spot she goes anyplace she wants.

We have tried putting a bell on each door and she thinks they are just a toy, we take her outside,(separate from the other dogs so she doesn't play) the minute she wakes up from a nap or every 20 minutes. She still potties in the house.

Any solutions to this issue? We do scold her when we find the mess but sometimes I'm not sure if she even makes the connection. She certainly doesn't show any quilt.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Cindy from Moline Illinois

Comments for Potty Training Our 3 Month Old Female Australian Shepherd

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House breaking pup
by: Anonymous

My pup did the same thing, she just didn't pay attention to when she had to go and left it too late. She had a favourite spot, so I started putting her feed dish on that spot. Then she would get to the mat at the back door and pee on it. One day ( she was around six months old!) I lost it and yelled as I was cleaning it up, told her I was sick and tired of it. I took the mat away, and that was the end of it. Lola will get the message, you need lots of tricks in your bag to get there.

Potty Training Aussie Puppy
by: JC

I just love my new puppy! She is always good about peeing and pooping outside when she is taken out for that purpose. Problem is, she will still pee in the house at random. I see no signal from her. She just squats right there, suddenly, right in front of me. I sop it up and clean the spot...and she thinks that's a fun time. I usually scold her and show her the yucky pee paper towel and make a loud and nasty, "ewwwwwww" sound...and sometimes I even bark at her. I have had good heart to heart chats with her and I tell her I am tired of this nonsense. She is crated for naps and night, and when I am at work. When I am home, she follows me everywhere I go. I am crazy about my puppy, but I just don't think she "gets it" with the peeing in the house bit. I am hoping she will grow out of this stinky phase. She poops on command outside! Tinkles outside...and I am so pleased, but then...

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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