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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Potty Training

by Tiffany
(United States)

I have a 1 1/2 yr old male Aussie. His name is Anali and I am having a horrible time potty training him. He eliminates in the house multiple times a day and has now begun to mark his territory on my 4 month olds things. I have a appointment to neuter him next month but I need to get a handle on this issue before then. Also he has started to develop a habit of when I take him out he doesn't fully empty his bladder and will just go around pee a little at a time and then comes inside and finishes. I used to just let him off leash and he went to his designated spot but now I leash him and take him to different spots in the yard thinking he might fully empty it in other spots. I am at a loss for words on what to do. This is a major issue seeing my 4 month old will soon be crawling and I need him to be fully potty trained by then. I've had 4 other dogs besides him and have never had a problem training them. Please any advice would be appreciated. I have also tried a crate and he just eliminated in the crate no matter how small I divide it. :(

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

I would have him checked for a urinary tract infection.

Potty training
by: Anonymous

Just one thought - make sure you use a proper deodorizing cleaner when clearing up after him. Ammonia based household cleaners will make him want to use the same spot again. Failing that use some vinegar or lemon juice in water to clean the area.

Also, leash him and wait until he has produced something then say good boy and treat him - even if if does it many times.

It sounds like he is marking his territory so getting him neutered next month should help.

potty training
by: Anonymous

i actuall got a kennel and started to kennel him at night and when i cant pay close attention to him...that seems to be helping he is atleast emptying his bladder outside now. as far as the concrete goes i cant get the smell out no matter what i do..ive tried straight vinegar sitting over night and baking soda sitting all night then vaccuming it up. ill give the lemon juice a try its driving me crazy lol. ive also trid natures miralce biospot and everything else under the sun! he is doing well now with the training that ive kenneled him but i dont want the smell to make him regress in his training when he is in that room. thank you for all your comments and im hoping that nuetering him will also help tremendously!

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