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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Pregnant Australian Shepherd?

by Kat

My husband brought home an Australian Shepherd stray 56 days ago. She was on a job site for 6 months and nobody wanted her. On the last day she stayed by the truck and enjoyed her trip home.

We had the vet check her the next day and started her vaccines. She was judged to be 18 months to 2 years old. A good 20 lbs plus under weight. Unsure of spay status and we couldn't find a scar so we scheduled the spay in 3 weeks (next set of vaccines at the same time). I got a call from the vet saying they had prepped her and she had a scar consistent with a spay. He made the decision to not go ahead with the spay and she came home a little punchy from the drugs and with a shaved belly. If she came in heat we could bring her back.

She was never in heat. Today I noticed that her teets are filling up. That would put her just a few days shy of whelping if she's at 56 days... but we really don't know when she would have been bred so she could be farther along. We do know she's not been bred since she's been with us. All my pets are neutered/spayed and no fence climbing city dogs.

I can't feel puppies. She was really underweight so we knew she was eating for two and gaining weight at a reasonable rate. She's always been attached to one of us and I haven't seen her try to nest.

So, this has been a long story to get to my question... what are the odds that she's not pregnant but a false pregnancy?

Since I can't feel pups, other than an ultrasound or possibly using stethoscope to try and hear heart beats is there anything else that can be done to confirm if she's pregnant? Other than just wait and see?

I used to breed Brittany Spaniels years ago and dates were always known. This is definitely an unknown.

Comments for Pregnant Australian Shepherd?

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by: Anonymous

I would be concerned of a possible pyometra. Sometimes they are closed, you wouldn't see any discharge in this case. Good luck, thanks for caring.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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