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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Punkin & Boomer

by Sue
(Red Boiling Springs, TN, USA)

Punkin & Boomer

Punkin & Boomer

Years ago I had gotten an Australian Shepherd and named her Ginger. I was unfamiliar with the breed at that time. I just thought she was the cutest thing I had ever seen. She was a black and white tri. She just looked like a ball of fur with a head stuck on it. But once I realized how smart she was, it blew me away.

I got her when she was 6 wks old and she lived to be 13 years old. I cried for days when she died. I had to have another one. It took me a long time to find someone that had a litter and didn't want an arm and a leg for them. I found Punkin & Boomer. Sister and brother. I told the breeder I wanted them both and she gave me a good price on them. They are just as smart as my Ginger was.

This breed is so intelligent if you take the time with them. I have to tell one story about Ginger, we went camping and took her with us. I started walking toward the rest rooms and she followed me. I told her to go back and she did, at least, I thought she did. I was in the stall and heard the screen door open and close and thought "another camper" Wrong. It was Ginger. She had hit the screen door with her paw and made the door "pop" open. She stuck her head under the stall and I just laughed at her. I love Aussies. They are very loyal and loving dogs.

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by: Sue

Maggie, I got my Aussie out of that by ignoring her when she wouldn't give me the ball. I'd tell her to bring it to me and then she'd do the same thing, not let me take it. After a while I just said Ok and walked away from her. She was smart enough to realize I wasn't going to play with her if she kept the ball. That worked for me. Maybe you can try it and see if it does any good. Good luck!! Aussie's Rule!!

Playing ball
by: Anonymous

My 11 year old mini aussie (Sadie) will bring the ball just out of reach but never, ever will she give it to me. I've even tried working with her and giving her a treat if she would give me the ball but still won't! Any suggestions on how to train her to do this at this mature age? I also LOVE Aussies. Wonderful dogs.


One is not enough
by: Anonymous

You are right - one Aussie is not enough. I have 2 dogs - one Aussie and one lab. They are both very sweet, but only one is intelligent! Got to love those Aussies!

by: Sue

They are six months old in this picture. I need to post newer pics. They were a year old in December. They will weigh around 50-60lbs. And get much more fur. They are so intelligent. I love this breed. I can tell Punkin to go find her ball and she will and bring it back to me. Just make sure you come them at least once a week. They really don't seem to shed alot if it's kept under control. And they love to be combed! I spoiled them when I got them by rubbing their bellies, now they will lay down in front of me and roll over so I can rub the bellies. If this is your first one, I promise you will want more! One Aussie is not enough!

by: TinaMarie

I've had Shelties—also very smart—but I agree with you... Aussie's are super smart! How old are Punkin & Boomer in this photo? I have a 4 1/2 month old and he weighs 10 lbs and is about 15 inches tall. I'm trying to figure out how big he might get. And I wonder at what age he will be 'full grown'. I thought you might know since you've had several Aussies. Thx!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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