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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Puppy Crying At Night In Crate

by Tammy
(Manhattan, KS)

This is our third Aussie. The first two crate trained with no problem, (they were females). Our newest Aussie is a male. We got him at 8 weeks and have had him two weeks now and he still cries at night when we put him in his crate. Shouldn't the crying stop by now?

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

I always feed my pups in crates so they know the crate is a wonderful place to be. You could also try giving him a kong filled with goodies at bed time.

by: Anonymous

Well i think making the crate a wondeful thing is good.Give it toys and food in there is good.Also Aussies are very close to theres owners.All my aussies have been.Try sitting by the crate and rubbing his ears until he falls asleep.Then gradully do that for less time each day or week

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