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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Puppy Weight And Probable Adult Weight

by Judy Ripley
(Fort Myers)

I am curious and a tiny bit concerned about my puppy's weight and size and what her adult size may be. Both of her parents weighed exactly 66 pounds, (NOT fat, just big Aussies) at the time we got her. At that time (nine weeks) she weighed 12 pounds 4 ounces. At 19 weeks she weighs 30 pounds 4 ounces. I feed her ORIJEN PUPPY dry food plus NEWMAN'S OWN ORGANIC PUPPY canned food. I use the Phouka calorie chart for puppies to determine the amounts to feed. She gets approximately 1100 calories per day. Her appearance is very good. If she is smaller than her parents when she is an adult, that is o.k. I am just concerned that her weight gain is normal. Thank you!

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by: Anonymous

well, its really hard to say for certainty, but that sounds like a lot of gain in just about over 2 months(from 12 to 30.) how many times a day are you feeding him, and how much? I would just add a little of the wet food to his dry maybe once or twice a week.
are you taking him out enough for exercise?
My boy weighed about 65 at 5 years, and he wasn't very tall, so he looked a bit stocky.
keep an eye on it, though, but don't get worried, nor obsess over it.

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