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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Pure-bred Or Half Border Collie?

by Erik

I am trying to find out if my dog is pure-bred OZ Shep or Border Collie. What are key things to look for? I have seen pure-bred OZ Sheps with bobtail and long tail, mine has long tail. Thanks for your help.

Note from Anton: You can get a dog DNA test done that will tell you the breed. For example, check out the Wisdom Panel Dog DNA Kit.

Comments for Pure-bred Or Half Border Collie?

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Your dog is very beautiful
by: Kathy

No matter what the breed!


Pure-bred Aus. shep or half border collie?
by: Erik

Thanks Anton but on that link there is no option for a kit for Aus shep- just Aus Cattle dog.

Thanks Kathy
by: Erik

Many thanks, Kathy, good luck with your dogs too! Erik

Border Collie
by: Anonymous

It looks half border collie, buts it's still very beautiful

by: Anonymous

he looks to be pure! :) Very beautiful!

Doesn't matter
by: Anonymous

that is one gorgeous dog! If I had to guess I would say 100% Aussie.

beautful dog
by: pinoy

I think it's tri color Border collie. Great looking dog..

you can check it out here

by: Erik

Thanks all for your comments, Yes I agree he's gorgeous and for me, not a breeder or shower, doesn't really matter if he's pure OZ or BC. I was just curious. Erik

Cross-breed Aussie & Border Collie
by: Clark Fork River Ranch

Your beautiful dog looks like a fine cross between a tri-color Australian Shepherd and a Border Collie. We just had our pure border collie bred to our Australian Shepherd male (AKC eligible) and she had a fine litter of six. We have 2 nine week old puppies left, one boy & one girl. They look more Aussie than collie, but the other 4 looked more Border Collie. This is a loving, smart & agile cross-breed.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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