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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Quiet Wyatt

by Melissa
(Mount Horeb, WI )

Wait - where's the water?

Wait - where's the water?

Up until almost 2 years ago I had Shelties. After my blue merle Sheltie passed away I discovered Aussie's. I got my first Aussie blue merle puppy—Wyatt who will be 2 in January. You can see his beautiful mug in the Training Guide for Aussies. Wyatt comes to many names—wigglebutt, wigglebum, snickerdoodle to name a few!

He loves to dig through the trash, eat food, steal food from cupboards, plates you name it—faster than anything I have ever seen. Hence QuietWyatt. He always is in stealth mode! Never thought to see a dog that has such a sense of humor—he loves to tease—hides things on me ALL of the time. (TV remotes in the yard.) We think he is hiding them so we will spend more time chasing him instead of watching any TV! He always is herding the other dogs (brother and sister pair of Shelties), my grandkids who are always saying Wyatt is herding us! They are really trying to say hurting as in biting their ankles!

He loves to swim. After running and chasing around we'll try to find him and will soon realize that he has jumped in the pool and is swimming laps to cool down or he can be amused (and dig up part of the yard) with the garden hose.

I am so glad to have found my Wyatt—he is my cowboy, my best friend and companion. As I get closer to home every night I can look at the top of the driveway and he is waiting for me to turn in. He then runs the remaining 400 yards to jump in and ride shotgun with me as I park in the garage. I love AUSSIE's.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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